1st Annual
Our 1st Annual Film Festival is in the books! GJFF was a huge success because of you! We want to thank all of you who supported us through donations and attendance. The purpose of this festival was to bring together the community for experiences driven by Jewish culture and history. From your feedback, we feel we accomplished this and are proud to say that we’ll be back for a second year of events and another festival filled with equally amazing films.

Dr. Eric Goldman Lectures at Furman University
The Greenville Jewish Film Festival is continually reaching out to our community in order to educate and illuminate the global Jewish experience. We are proud to have as a partner, Furman University and its Furman Jewish Student Association. During our recent Film Festival, we were delighted to be able to share with Furman, Dr. Eric Goldman – Jewish Film Educator, Historian and Critic. His lecture topic -The American Jewish Story Through Film – captivated the Furman students and educators as he discussed how Film has played an important role in telling the Jewish story.